Beta Males are the ones who everyone associates with weakness. They are the men that always take second in command to everyone. You always see him in the background surrounded by his aura of quietness. He never makes a move and sits back quietly saying nothing. Most of the time he rarely smiles cause his happiness is lacking. The beta male is too afraid to make a change and always sticks to the same routine which gets him nowhere in life.
Although this is typical of what everyone thinks of beta males, I feel that beta males are actually a lot smarter than most alpha males. They sit back, wait, and watch the alpha males make all of the mistakes first. Most alpha males move forth in life at lightening speed without ever thinking first and this has a tendency to make most of their plans backfire. So what does this do for the beta males? It gives them a ton of advantage especially with women. The alpha males maybe able to whine and dine the female and get her madly attracted to him at first, but once his true selfishness shows through, most women bolt faster that you can blink. So for the poor beta male who was sitting back, he has the best advantage now. That woman that he so adores just got burned by this jerk who was pretending to be an outstanding guy.
He can make her attracted to him by fulling up the emotional void the alpha male just caused on this lady. This plays a huge advantage in the game of love because this is one of the key factors that makes people fall in love. Fulfilling unmet needs causes great and long term attachment in both sexes. This is why the beta males are the ones that seem to be able to stay in committed relationships with women. The alpha male is self centered and ignores the needs of the female. He maybe able to get her attracted to him, but keeping her around is a different story.
I suggest that if any man is having trouble with women, then they should learn to take on the characteristics of both the alpha male and the beta male. This way they can start the intial attraction process and keep it going throughout the entire relationship without the women thinking that he will turn into a jerk.
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